from Alfred Cumming to Stephen D. Lee
Augusta, Georgia, Nov. 3rd, 1899 Gen'l. Stephen D. Lee, My dear General:-
As for documents, or Reports relating
thereto by which I might refresh my memory, I have not one such in my
possession. Nevertheless, even after this so plain an
avowal of the lack of precise information in regard to the incidents of
that day as may justly lead you to infer that I can add nothing to your
knowledge as connected with them; I am induced by the kind expression of
your letter to offer to your consideration some observations on the
subject. Interested as you are in it, and as indeed the discharge of
your present functions as Commissioner require that you should be, these
observations if found possessed of no value, may yet be presented
without impertinence. In the first place will we not agree that
the circumstances immediately preceding the battle and under which it
was joined, were of such a nature as to be discouraging to our Army
there engaged, and in some measure preparatory of the issue which ensued In this connection recall the
"Council of War" assembled, if I remember rightly, on the 15th
May, and the division of sentiment there manifested. Assembled for the
purpose of having made known to us an Order just received from Gen.
Johnston, that we should pursue a certain course, i.e. march upon
Grant's column from the one side, which he, (Johnston) should attack
from the other; Pemberton practicing no reserve as to his entire dissent
from Johnston's Council (or order?) earnestly addressed himself to
securing from his Subordinates there assembled an expression of their
concurrence in the wisdom of his own plan of strategy, - - this being,
as I conceive it, to put ourselves across Grant's line of advance, and
thereby cut off his communication with the river. You will remember the
issue of the Council. If I state it right when the question was put to
a final vote, each member thereof, with the exception of the two Major
Generals, gave their opinion in favor of following Johnston's proposed
line of action. Re-enforced by the expressed contrary
opinion of his two Senior officers, Pemberton's scheme was announced as
the one accepted, and we immediately proceeded to its execution. Taking up the line of march that
afternoon, we crossed Baker's Creek by its Bridge, and the two left
(rear) Brigades, (mine and yours) were brought to a half about 1 a.m.
This "halt" was made under conditions the least favorable
possible for prompt action of any kind, for making or receiving an
attack, or for deployment in any direction. We bivouacked in this
position through the few remaining hours till daylight, -- it might
described as in a huddle, -- the regiments of the several Brigades to
the best of my knowledge and recollection doubled up one upon another
without any capability or quick deployment. (It was a bitter joke
afterwards indulged in that we had dropped down in bivouac that night
within forty yards of Grant's Army without knowing it.) However greater or less the exaggeration
involved in this statement, we were soon made aware when morning broke
of the proximity of that army, and of the perilous position in which our
own found itself. Then began a hustle to extricate ourselves from the
predicament. No longer a question of this or the other strategic plan.
Our only hope to get away, - - only too glad could we but effect this, -
- at least that we should be given time to draw out and get into some
position in which we could make a creditable defense. In the left wing, you as commanding the
left Brigade, began the prescribed movement in leading your command, a
movement by the left flank, across the Baker's Creek road (as I will
here designate it) into a thick wood, pursuing such line for a distance
(I should judge) of half a mile within the woods; where at a point
designated by authority or selected by yourself, you turned sharply to
the left and rear, - - the "Angle" of your letter, - - the
object of this movement being, when I followed your movement in the same
order. I would mention here that at some time (earlier or later)
antecedent to my movement in your track, by command, I assembled and
turned over to a General Staff officer parties from my several Regiments
to be employed under the guidance of that officer, for the reinforcement
of, (or, I am induced to believe for the first establishment of) a
picket line between our front and the supposed position of the enemy. I mention this circumstance to state that
I has ever been my belief that these pickets failed to be so posted, or
that they so lost connection as to render their position in fron quite
valueless for any purpose of defense or warning. Certain it is that they
were never driven in on my line, or, by the discharge of their pieces in
front of it, gave any intimation of the instantly coming assault. To return now to the direct course of my
statement: - - - leading the first files of my command, on reaching the
"Angle", I stationed myself within a few paces of that point
to superintend in person its more rapid clearance. The turn to the left
there made was in a direction almost at right angles to the route
pursued in reaching it. It was while so stationed, and at that
juncture of time, when my two left regiments (alone) had entered on the
new direction that the attack broke upon us with great impetuosity and
vehemence, in overwhelming force, and in a manner wholly unexpected and
unlooked for. As above state, no drive-in pickets, or scattering shots
on either front had given intimation of the presence of the enemy. You will recall the character of the
country near the Angle, - - somewhat thickly wooded, and with a ridge
running in a general direction parallel to the new direction entered
upon by the 34th and 39th Georgia. It was this latter feature alone,
(even in the absence of pickets in front) which enabled the enemy to
approach so nearly without our cognizance of his presence. It is to the best of present knowledge
and belief that not a shot had been fired as yet on that part of the
field; until surmounting the Ridge at a distance, I should estimate at
not more than seventy-five yards, they poured in a destructive volley,
from a compact and serried line which in a few minutes completely
enveloped the two regiments above designated. Partially descending the
intervening slope, the crest was crowned by additional forces. How wide
was this column of attack, - - how much to left and right it overlapped
my brigade, I am unable to declare. It will be evident to you, however,
that it was in position to deliver an enfilading fire on my right
regiment. This indeed it did, and our losses at that point, (Angle) were
heavy. To meet an attack so sudden and
unexpected in its precipitation, so overwhelming in its preponderance of
force, - - the best dispositions which circumstances admitted of were
made. Facing outwards the fire of the enemy was returned, and an effort
made to retain the position. But the opposing fire was too withering,
the opposing force too preponderant in numbers, to admit of a long
continuance of the unequal struggle. And the Brigade gave way.
Seeing that had occurred, and that it was
no longer possible to hold the depleted ranks to the line; accompanied
by some members of my staff, I proceeded speedily to the rear, and at a
distance down the road called Baker's Creek Road, sought to rally the
fugitives, assisted in the work very heartily by many officers of the
Brigade. But ineffectually. Abandoning this effort, another and more
successful effort was made to effect this rally when we reached the road
above mentioned. There at a position somewhat near the Baker's Creek
Bridge than the point at which we had crossed that road earlier in the
day; was finally assembled a considerable but altogether miscellaneous
force without organization, - the greater part of my Brigade, and I had
supposed portions of yours, - - I had even thought of Barton's [Brigade]
also. This I should judge was between 1 & 2
o'clock. While engaged, on my part, in seeking to
get this assemblage into some sort of order, you appeared in person at
some distance on my right. I had no word with them or later in the day.
After some work on your part directed towards the same end, but
continued for a very short period of time, you were seen by me to take a
color and leading the way to move forward into the wood towards the
enemy. This move was immediately taken up all along the line from right
to left, and all together we went in. (The move seemed to me somewhat
premature owing to the disorganized condition of the line, but your
judgment was probably more correct; ( "if 't were done when 'it is done,
then 't were well 't were done quickly.") No strenuous conflict, I would say ensued
after this. A sometimes lively skirmish firing in the wood in which we
gradually lost ground, and the enemy as gradually advanced. When we
regained the road it was evident we wee cut off from the Bridge. The
horses of my adjutant and myself were struck by shots delivered from the
right of that road in plain view, and at a very short range. That
portion of the command crossed the Creek at a ford higher up. I am well aware General, that in all this
voluminous statement I have not yet answered your special inquiries,
which I take to be: In regard to the 1st point, I am quite
unable to give any precise opinion, as I have heretofore stated in this
narrative. I believe that portions of his Brigade were found in the
troops we led from the Baker's Creek road. 2nd, in relation to the battery: I regret
that I am equally unable to speak with precision. At no time during that
day was it immediately under my command or did it come under my
observations. I would assume that it acted entirely under the direction
of Pemberton's Chief of Artillery, or some member of his staff. I cannot
suppose that at any time it was "in advance of your (my) general
line". I have of course ever been aware, My Dear
General, that Pemberton in his report of that disastrous campaign,
"reflects" upon the conduct of the Georgia Brigade. Needing
every possible excuse that he could bring to bear to shield himself;
that he should have done so, has ever seemed to me, from his standpoint,
natural and to have been expected. If in that Valhalla to which he has
long since taken his departure, and where as Dick Taylor tells us the
souls of Heroes commune together, if he shall there have derived any
satisfaction there from, let him have it. It has seemed to me that it should be no
difficult matter to defend from any animadversions the conduct of that
organization by any one cognizant of all the circumstances. In learning
from you that it is embraced in the discharge of your present duties, in
possessing yourself of an accurate history of that battle, to try to
"wholly vindicate" its conduct, - - I am filled with much
satisfaction. I believe you will be able to effect this end, as
believing the facts admit of it. The Brigade was indeed badly shaken on
that disastrous day. It was its first action. Never before had it
engaged in close action, -- if indeed it had ever been under fire. It
labored also under the disadvantage that between it and its commander
there existed no acquaintance. I had been with it but three or four
days, - - coming immediately from the Vicksburg R. R. Depot to join it
in the field, and its Field officers (even) were scarcely known to me by
sight, or I to them. When it next participated in a Field Day, the still
more disastrous battle of "Missionary Ridge" Nov. 25, - - it
acquitted itself, I believe I may say in a manner to obliterate any
unfavorable impressions caused by 16th May. See the report of Gen.
Bragg, and report of Cleburne, its temporary Corps Commander. I will not further length this altogether
too voluminous letter by apologies for this statement. These are implied
on a previous page. If you shall see fit to offer any criticisms or
observations upon it, I shall receive the same with much interest. I am, General, Alfred Cumming
Brigadier General Alfred Cumming Born at August, Georgia, January 30,
1829, and was graduated from West Point in 1849. Promoted to brigadier
general October 29, 1862. Transferred to General Pemberton's army, he
fought throughout the Vicksburg campaign, and was captured upon the
capitulation of the city in July 1863. After his exchange, General
Cumming was assigned a brigade in General Carter L. Stevenson's division
of the Army of Tennessee, whih he led until he was disabled by wounds at
the battle of Jonesboro on August 31, 1864. After the war her farmed
near Rome, Georgia, and was a member of the American Military Commission
to Korea in 1888. He died at Rome, December 5, 1810, in his
eighty-second year, and is buried in Augusta.
Brig. Gen. Alfred Cumming was in command of the 3rd Brigade, Stevenson's
Division, during the Battle of Champion Hill. 34th Georgia Infantry, Col. J. A. W.
Source: Cumming Letter from the
files of the Vicksburg National Military Park, courtesy Terry
Winschel. | ||
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