My Dear Wife ~ Letters
to Matilda
The Civil War Letters of Sid and Matilda Champion of
Champion Hill
Edited by
Rebecca Blackwell Drake and Margie Riddle Bearss
My Dear Wife ~ Letters to Matilda tells the
story of a family whose lives were forever changed as a result of the
Civil War. Sid S. Champion, a 39-year-old plantation
owner, was determined to join the Confederate Army in spite of the
protests of his wife, Matilda, who was 34 years old and the mother of
four young children. Sid was persuasive. He argued that the war would be
brief and that the South would be victorious.
As Grant and Sherman threatened Vicksburg, Sid found
himself caught up in the excitement of war. In spite of Matilda’s
protests that he was too old to have enlisted, Sid chose to remain in
the army and to fight for the Cause.
In 1863 as Grant’s army marched for Vicksburg, the
Champion plantation became the scene of one of the bloodiest and hardest-fought battles of the war. Matilda’s grief was amplified when the
Yankees torched her house, leaving it in smoldering ruins. Anguished
over the loss, Matilda speculated, “I have always looked on the dark
side of this war and what the end will be is beyond human
comprehension.” Her fears were soon realized when Vicksburg fell to the
enemy and Sid was taken prisoner. Seven months later the regiment was
ordered to Georgia to begin yet another campaign.
During the Atlanta Campaign, Sid’s hopes were dashed
when the Confederate Army, commanded by John Bell Hood, was
‘outgeneraled’ by Sherman and Atlanta fell to the Union. During this
time, Matilda read the local papers to learn the names of the wounded
and the dead. She cringed in fear of finding Sid’s name among those
listed. Sid’s final campaign was the Tennessee Campaign fought in
November and December of 1864. Sid was still hopeful that the South
could be victorious but instead the Confederate Army was all but annihilated
during the Battle of Franklin when 3,000 Confederates, including six
generals, were killed or wounded.
Sid S. Champion was one of the last of the intrepid
warriors. He was mustered out of the army in May 1865 and returned to
Matilda. They built another house at Champion Hill and prepared to resume
their lives but Sid died three years later, leaving Matilda a widow at the
age of 40.
What Matilda endured as a result of the war is a story
that reads like Gone With The Wind. The letters tell of a couple caught
up in the passion of war, eventually losing everything they held dear,
including each other.
Here To Order
About the Letters
Original letters courtesy
of Sid J. Champion
104 letters, 276 pages
Available in September 2005
letters are a window into the lives of Sid and Matilda Champion during
the three long years that Sid was engaged in the war. In the beginning,
the letters were filled with hope that the South would be victorious. In
the end, their hopes were crushed as the war took everything dear from
them, including each other.
The majority of Sid’s letters written in 1862 were not dated. They have
been placed in order according to the historic events revealed by the
contents of each letter. On March 29, 1863, Matilda wrote a postscript
requesting that Sid date his letters. Thanks to her urging, the
1863–1865 letters are dated.
Nineteen letters survive from the year 1862. All of
these were written by Sid who was stationed with the 28th Mississippi
Cavalry in Vicksburg. Twenty-five letters survive from the year 1863 –
seventeen written by Sid and eight by Matilda.
A total of fifty-two letters survive from the year 1864, all written
during the time Sid was engaged in the Atlanta Campaign. Forty-four of
these letters were written by Sid while eight were written by Matilda.
Undoubtedly Matilda wrote more than eight letters during the Atlanta
Campaign but the letters were most likely lost as Sid moved from
battlefield to battlefield.
Only eight letters survive from 1865, the final year of
the war. six were written by Sid and two by Matilda. Around this time,
Sid sustained an injury during the December 1864 retreat from the second
Battle of Nashville and returned home to recover. He rejoined his
regiment in 1865 following a 40-day medical leave of absence.
The letters of Sid were relatively easy to transcribe except for a few
that were faded and mildew-stained. However, the letters of Matilda were
much more difficult since she wrote in a small script and often crossed
lines, a style of letter writing that helped to save paper.
The letters presented in this book are abridged and
punctuation has been added for clarity of reading. The original letters
are in the possession of Sid J. Champion, great-great grandson of Sid
and Matilda.
About the Editors

Margie Riddle Bearss
and Rebecca Blackwell Drake |
Margie Riddle Bearss,
Historian and Author
Margie Bearss of Arlington, Virginia, and Brandon,
Mississippi, is the author of Sherman’s Forgotten Campaign: The Meridian
Expedition and co-author of My Dear ~ Letters To Matilda with
Rebecca Drake. In 1962, when the Grand
Gulf Museum opened at Grand Gulf State Park, she designed and made all of
the exhibits including maps and paintings. She also wrote the historic
markers for the now extinct town of Grand Gulf, while her husband, Ed Cole
Bearss, Vicksburg National Park historian from 1955-1966, wrote the markers
for the Grand Gulf Military Park. In 1964, she helped to recover and restore
over 10,000 artifacts taken from the USS Cairo after the ironclad
gunboat was lifted from the bottom of the Yazoo River, having been sunk by
two torpedoes on December 12, 1862. In later years she edited, proofread,
and indexed almost every Civil War book written by Ed, who became Chief
Historian of the National Park Service in Washington. She was elected to
membership in the National Military Collectors and Historians and named a
Fellow for her work pertaining to the USS Cairo and Grand Gulf State
Park. She is recognized nationally for her vast knowledge of the Civil War
but nothing remains of more interest to her than the hallowed grounds known
as Champion Hill.
Blackwell Drake, Historian and Author
Rebecca Drake, freelance writer from Raymond,
Mississippi, is the author of five Civil War books: The Battle of Raymond
and Other Collected Stories (1999); In Their Own Words: Soldiers Tell
the Story of the Battle of Raymond (2001); A Soldier's Story of the
Siege of Vicksburg (2001); Lone Star General: Hiram B. Granbury,
co-authored with Thomas D. Holder of Fort Worth, Texas (2004); and My
Dear Wife ~ Letters to Matilda, co-authored with Margie R. Bearss,
Arlington, Virginia, and Brandon, Mississippi (2005). She is the recipient
of numerous awards including: 2001 Volunteer of the Year presented by the
Mississippi Economic Development Council; 2002 William D. McCain Publication
Award presented by the Mississippi Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans;
2003 Resolution of Commendation presented by the Mississippi Department of
Archives and History for historic preservation; and in 2003 received the
Daughters of the American Revolution award presented for Excellence in
Community Service. Rebecca and her husband, James Drake, maintain three
battlefield preservation websites; The Battle of Champion Hill,
The Battle of Raymond, and
Raymond’s History, and devote much of their time to battlefield
preservation. |