Maj. Gen. John A. Logan,
U. S. Army, commanding Third Division
[portions from April 25 - May 15 are omitted by the editor] On the morning of the 15th, pursuant to special orders, I left my encampment on the main road. 2 miles west of Jackson, and marched in the direction of Clinton. Leaving the Jackson road at this point, I proceeded on what is known as the Edwards Depot road a distance of 7 miles, and encamped on Turkey Creek, with my right and left resting on the road. Here my advance came up with General Hovey's division. The Third Brigade, General John D. Stevenson commanding, was brought up and formed upon General Hovey's left at a point crossing the railroad leading from Raymond to Edwards Depot, where strong lines of pickets were thrown out connecting with General Hovey, to avoid any flank movement of the enemy. The First Brigade, General John E. Smith, was assigned a position on the right of the road, to support the Eighth Michigan Battery, Captain De Golyer, and Company D, First Illinois Light Artillery, both of which were placed in positions commanding the road. The Second Brigade, General E. S. Dennis commanding, was held as a reserve in the rear of General Stevenson. On the following morning (the 16th instant), at 5 a.m., General M.D. Leggett, by the expiration of his leave of absence, having resumed command, vice General Dennis, relieved by special orders and required to report to General Quinby, commanding the Seventh Division, followed up with his command directly in the rear of General Hovey's division. Proceeding a distance of 2 miles, I found General Hovey's command drawn up in line of battle, his right resting on the left of the main road, the enemy, as I learned, having been discovered in force strongly posted on a high ridge known as Champion's Hill, and apparently well supported by artillery. I caused the Second Brigade, General Leggett, with the Twentieth Ohio, Colonel Force commanding, and the Thirtieth Illinois Infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Shedd commanding, constituting the advance line, to move forward and form on the right of General Hovey. The Eighth Michigan Battery, Captain De Golyer commanding, having been previously placed in position 200 yards in rear of General Leggett, Company A, of the Twentieth Ohio, and Company B, Thirtieth Illinois Infantry, were deployed as skirmishers. This order, under a sharp fire from the enemy, was promptly executed, General Leggett advancing, as directed, across a small ravine, and forming on General Hovey's right. The First Brigade, General Smith commanding, was ordered up in line, with the left resting on the right of General Leggett; Company D, First Illinois Light Artillery, Captain Rogers, occupied the right of General Smith. The Third Brigade, General John D. Stevenson commanding, was brought up and held as a reserve in the rear of the center of the two brigades, remaining in that position about one hour, during which time the First and Second Brigades engaged the enemy. The Third Ohio Battery, Captain Williams, formed on a commanding ridge in rear of my lines, acting as a reserve. The Second Brigade, General Leggett, advanced to the attack in two lines, two battalions in the first and two battalions in the second line, the second line 200 yards in the rear of the first line. The First Brigade, General Smith, also advanced in two lines, three battalions in the first line and two battalions in the second line. The enemy were strongly posted in the outskirts of the timber, directly in my front, and were discovered in force behind the fence, from which, after a spirited resistance, they were compelled to retire into the woods. The enemy in front of General Smith's brigade occupied a ridge overlooking a deep ravine, covered with thick underbrush, rendering an advance exceedingly difficult. The engagement became general along the entire line, the enemy advancing and contesting the forward movement with great obstinacy. The First and Second Brigades were directed to charge upon the enemy, which order, after a spirited engagement, was successfully carried out, causing the enemy to abandon his chosen position and retire under cover of a second ridge. During this engagement General Stevenson's brigade moved up on General Smith's right, advancing across a deep ravine to prevent any flank movement of the enemy. By this time a battery had been planted by the enemy on a high piece of ground in General Stevenson's front, for the purpose, as I suppose, of subjecting the First and Second Brigades to an enfilading fire. To counteract this movement, General Stevenson was ordered to swing around his right and charge upon the enemy. Crossing an almost impassable hollow, the Third Brigade, with the Eighty-first Illinois Infantry, Colonel J. J. Dollins commanding, and the Thirty-second Ohio Infantry, Col. B. F. Potts commanding, forming the advance line, moved up in good order, made a bayonet charge as instructed, drove the enemy from their guns, capturing the entire battery, consisting of five guns. This brilliant movement, and the glorious results which followed it, speak volumes for the commanding general and his men. Too much credit cannot be awarded for such an exhibition of gallantry. General Stevenson having turned the left flank of the enemy, drove them into a position in front of Generals Smith's and Leggett's brigades, which in the mean time had engaged the enemy with a determination and courage displayed only by veteran troops. The result of this engagement was the capture, by the Twentieth and One hundred and Twenty-fourth Illinois and Twenty-third Indiana Infantry, of a battery consisting of six pieces of artillery and a large number of prisoners. The action of the First and Second Brigades, exposed to a raking fire of the enemy, protected by natural defenses, merits my warmest commendation. During the action, which lasted from 10 a.m. until late in the afternoon, the Second Brigade, General Leggett, held its position on General Hovey's right, although repeated efforts were made by the enemy to break through the left. The point occupied by General Leggett was selected by the enemy for a grand attack. The coolness and unflinching bravery evinced by this brigade, and the successful manner in which it repulsed a superior number of the enemy, cannot be too highly applauded. The contest was fiercely waged upon both sides, resulting in the retreat of the enemy. The respective batteries commanded by Captains De Golyer, Rogers, and Williams, under the personal supervision of Major Stolbrand, rendered incalculable aid in effectually shelling the enemy wherever directed. The Third Brigade, General Stevenson commanding, in addition to the guns before enumerated, captured many prisoners, numbering 1,300 in all, who, in connection with those taken by the First and Second Brigades, were turned over to the provost-marshal of my division. At 4 o'clock I received information of the enemy's retreat. General Stevenson's brigade, with De Golyer's battery, was pushed forward in pursuit. The brigade advanced upon the double-quick on the main road leading to Big Black River to a point 2 miles beyond the battle-field, shelling the enemy and spreading great consternation in his ranks. Night coming on, my command halted on the main road, distant 3 miles, from Big Black River Bridge. To Captain De Golyer much credit is due for the energy displayed in performing the part assigned him by General Stevenson. On the morning of the 17th, I moved forward a distance of 2 miles, and encamped on the right of the main road, 1 mile from Big Black River Bridge. Here I was detained until the morning of the 18th. A bridge having been constructed the night previous across Big Black River, I proceeded with my command on a cross-road intersecting the main Vicksburg and Bridgeport road at a point distant 3 miles from Big Black River. Was detained here some time to enable the rear of General Sherman's corps to pass, it having been assigned the advance upon Vicksburg. Moving forward the distance of 10 miles, I remained over night. On the morning of the 19th, I resumed the advance in the direction of Vicksburg, 2 miles in the rear of which place I arrived with my command at 10 a.m. In submitting this report, which is hurried and somewhat imperfect, I am pained to record the loss of Colonel Richards, commanding the Twentieth Illinois Infantry, mortally wounded in the battle of Raymond while in the discharge of his official duties; an efficient officer, the loss will be keenly felt by his fine regiment, greatly reduced by casualties incident to long service in the field. I am also grieved to announce the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Snook, commanding the Sixty-eighth Ohio Infantry, killed in the action of Champion's Hill. To particularize numerous instances of personal valor, where all evinced such readiness to brave the danger of the battle-field, would be unjust to the general good deportment manifested by the officers and men of the Third Division. Exposed to unusual hardships in an arduous campaign of thirty days' duration, with insufficient transportation, marching a distance of 200 miles, and actively engaged in four well contested battles with an ambushed enemy, the willingness with which all orders were carried out affords the commanding general a conclusive proof of their soldierly qualities and strict discipline. To my brigade commanders, upon all of whom weighty responsibilities were imposed, the fidelity with which their various duties were discharged contributed to the success which has attended our arms. All of them gave me repeated indications of the coolness, firmness, and decision of character so essential in time of action. To Major Stolbrand, my chief of artillery, I am indebted for valuable aid. To Major Townes, assistant adjutant general; Maj. John C. Fry, provost-marshal; Captain Wheaton, acting assistant inspector-general; Captains Holcomb and Hotaling, Lieutenants Moore, Hoover, and Davis, aides-de-camp, and to Captain Wickizer, assistant quartermaster, and William H. Holbrook, acting commissary of subsistence, I am indebted for the prompt discharge of their various duties on the various marches and the several fields of action, rendering me incalculable aid through their efficiency. The following is a list of the casualties
which occurred in the several battles in which my command has been engaged
since the 1st instant: [omitted by editor] Respectfully submitted. JOHN A. LOGAN, Lieut. Col. W. T. CLARK, |
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