152nd Anniversary Event
May 16, 2015
Center Stage Events

Bertram Hayes-Davis
will kick-off the 152nd Anniversary of the Battle of Champion Hill with remarks
to be delivered from Center Stage. Bertram is the great-great grandson of
Jefferson and Varina Davis.
In 2013, he thrilled a packed audience at the
150th Anniversary of The Battle of Champion Hill. His speech invigorated the
crowd. During the ceremony approximately 200 honorary medallions were presented
to the descendants of those who fought—blue and gray— and Davis was honored to
shake the hand of each and every one as they received a medallion honoring their
ancestor. The Champion Heritage Foundation is delighted to have him return for
the 152nd Anniversary event.
Since moving to Mississippi, the Davis family has concentrated on
educating the public on Jefferson Davis, the man—not only serving as the
president of the Confederate States but also as a prosperous planter, member of
the House of Representatives (1847-1851), U.S. Secretary of War (1853-1857) and
U.S. Senator from the State of Mississippi (1857-1861). Bertram’s
great-grandmother was Margaret Davis Hayes, the second of six children born to
Jefferson & Varina and the only one to bear children.
Family Singers
The Lewis Family Singers is one of the finest Gospel
groups in Mississippi. They are comprised of the sons and daughters (and
in-laws) of Johnnie Lewis, a long-time resident of Bolton whose property lies on
the west side of the Hill of Death.
Most of the children have grown up fishing in Baker’s Creek (using
Minnie bullets for sinkers) and picking up other artifacts dating to the Battle
of Champion Hill. Elnora Lewis, pianist and director, leads the group as they
sing for various functions in Hinds and Warren Counties. Not only are the adults
talented but their children as well.
The gift of music comes from their mother, the late Charlena Lewis. Through the years, the Champion Hill Baptist Church and other
churches in the area have profited from the talents of this special family.
Don’t miss hearing them sing “I’ll Fly Away” and other Gospel favorites.
The Angel Bandits
The Angel Bandits is a bluegrass group assembled as the band for New Stage Theatre's production of "The Grapes of Wrath." The band is made up of
five singers/musicians. They became fast friends and found that their bluegrass style of old hymn music and original music written by member T.B. Ledford was sought after by area churches. They love bringing this music to people that so often touches people so deeply and makes people remember days of old. They put a modern spin on old fashioned bluegrass and love performing at area venues and events as well.
click for more >>>
James Anderson
James Anderson, a noted Jackson performer, will read a newspaper
clipping from The New Mississippian (Jackson, Mississippi) dated June,
1890. The article, Champion Hill Reunion, details the 27th Anniversary
of the Battle of Champion Hill and the commemoration that took place on
the hill to reunite the Blue and the Gray.
In 1890, when the U.S. Government established four national
military parks—Vicksburg being one of the four —veterans came from all
across the United States to be a part of the event. Many had fought at
Champion Hill and wanted to extend their trip to revisit the battlefield
where so many had fought and died. Anderson’s reading will reveal one of
the most fascinating stories of Mississippi history ever recorded.
Anderson is a popular entertainer in Jackson who often performs at
New Stage and Little Theater. He is the director of the Chimneyville
Readers Theatre, Fine Arts Director of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and the Champion Heritage Foundation, and sings with the St.
Andrews Church Choir. He was also chosen to read
at the dedication of Rebecca B. Drake’s books, Lift High the Cross
Owl Roost Plantation. When it comes to Mississippi, James Anderson is
everywhere – at all events – publicizing everything – singing and
performing. And, now he will be a part of Champion Hill and our efforts
to interpret the famous battlefield.
The Champion Heritage Foundation looks forward to welcoming James
Anderson to his first appearance at Champion Hill.
Stories by Sid
Champion V

Sid Champion,
the fifth generation Champion to hold the name CHAMPION will tell
ghost stories at Center Stage, 2:00 PM.
Sid is a
master story teller and loves to tell some of the old ghost stories
associated with Champion Hill. Everyone is invited to gather 'round
to hear his stories.
Sid and
Rebecca Drake will be available during the day to sign "My Dear
Wife: The Letters of Sid and Matilda Champion of Champion Hill." The
books sell at the Vicksburg Military Park tent. |
Vendors &
Vicksburg National Military Park
Eastern National Bookstore
McWilliams, Artist
Jerry McWilliams, often featured on the History Channel, is a
well-known Civil War artist from Mississippi. Among his paintings are:
Chimneyville (the burning of Jackson), The Sinking of the USS Cairo;
Colonel Randal McGavock: God’s Own Gentleman; Lone Star General: Hiram B.
Granbury; General John Gregg; Lt. General John C.Pemberton: Defender of
Vicksburg; Jefferson Davis and his Dog, Traveler, at Beauvoir; Sky Parlor Hill
(Vicksburg); Colonel Cockrell Leading a Charge: Battle of Champion Hill; and
his most recent painting, Beauvoir, Jefferson Davis' last home on the
Mississippi Gulf Coast.
In addition to his Art Exhibit, McWilliams will have some signed
prints for sale. He has also placed a signed and framed print of Beauvoir
in the Silent Auction.
click for more >>>
Brenda Harrower, Weaver

Bertha Lewis, Manikin Maker
For almost half a century, Bertha Lewis has felt the ghost of the
soldiers who fought on the land she calls home. Home for Bertha is
Champion Hill where Blue met Gray on May 16, 1863, in a pivotal battle
that turned the tide for the Union Army.
Bertha is known for her manikins that can be seen at events: Union
soldiers, Champion family members; Confederate soldiers and even Darwina
Loud, a Freedman School Teacher who was assigned to Champion Hill in
1864 to teach the newly freed slaves to read and write.
Bertha’s poem I Was There: The Battle of Champion Hill (found on
the Champion Hill website) was written for the 2013 Sesquicentennial of
the Battle of Champion Hill and performed by Ed Shelnut, thespian.
Bertha's desire was to honor those who fought and died and their
ancestors who received honorary medallions in their memory. Her manikins
make the story of Champion Hill come alive.
click for more >>>
Ernestine Leach, Story Teller

Earnestine Leach, story teller and long-time member of Champion
Hill Baptist Church, will be
at Aunt Lula's headstone at 8:30 and 3:00 to tell old stories of
Champion Hill and how the church came to be.
Directions to the
Champion Hill Event
Champion Hill Road is closed between Bolton and the Event
The Champion Hill battlefield and
Champion Hill MB Church is located midway between Bolton and Edwards on
the Champion Hill Road. Take I-20 to exit 29 to Bolton. Turn right at
the 4-way stop in the heart of Bolton and follow the frontage road for 4
miles to the S. Farr Road. Turn left for 1 mile to the Champion Hill
Parking will be available and golf carts to assist in
transporting passengers, especially those with walking disabilities.
Remember to bring: sun hats, sunscreen, "Off" and your camera. Cold
drinks will be sold by the Champion Hill MB Church. Barbecue plate,
$10.00; hot dogs, hamburgers and ice-cream sold separately.